Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

Posted by Ayuningtyas |

Pomegranate course, already familiar to our ears. This fruit comes away from Iran which has now spread to parts of Asia. There are three kinds of pomegranates, the white pomegranate, pomegranate pomegranate red and purple. However, the most well known as food and medicine is a red pomegranates. In addition to fresh, fruit turns out that this one containing a million health benefits. Of course, if consumed regularly will give a good benefit for the body.

Following the chemical content of the fruit Pomegranate:
1. In Chinese herbal medicine shop, pomegranate rind, known as Shu Liu Pi-containing alkaloids pelletierene, granatin, betulat acid, acid ursolat, isoquersitrin, elligatanin, resin, tannins, triterpenoids, calcium oxalate, and starch.
2. Root bark and bark elligatanin Pomegranates contain 20% and 0.5 - 1% alkaloid compounds, among others alkaloidvpelletierina (C8H14N0), methyl-pelletierina (C8H14NO.CH3), iso-pelletierina (C8H15N0), pseudo-pelletierina (C9H15N0) , and methyl-isopellettierina (C9H14, N0.CH3).
3. While its leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, calcium oxalate, fat, sulfur, peroxidase.
4. Pomegranates contain citric acid, malic acid, glucose, fructose, maltose, vitamins (A, C), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zatbesi, magnesium, sodium, and potassium), and tannins. Not only that, the pomegranate is also contains lycopene or red dye.
From the chemical content, the pomegranate has several benefits for the body, among others:
1. Pelletierina alkaloids contained in the root bark and bark is highly toxic and can cause paralysis of the tapeworm, roundworm, pinworm and worms in our stomachs.
2. Skin of the fruit and the bark contains tannin which is useful as astringensia to stop diarrhea.
3. Pomegranate is used as a refresher (analeptikum).
4. While the skin of the pomegranate itself sour, bitter, astringent nature. Efficacious to stop the bleeding (hemostatis), intestinal worms peluruh (vermifuga), stop diarrhea, and antivirus. In addition, fruit porters can also inhibit the growth of typhoid bacilli. Controlling the spread of polio virus infection, herpes simplex virus, HIV virus clan.
5. Its refreshing pomegranate seeds, non-toxic, efficacious reduce fever, anti-poisoning, relaxes the lungs, and relieve cough.
6. Bark and root bark smelling weakness and sourness. Efficacious as ekspektoransia (laxative sputum), vermifuga (intoxicating worms), laxatives, and astringensia intestine.
7. The leaves are believed to stimulate menstrual discharge.
8. Flesh of the fruit that encloses the seeds nutritious as conditioning, analeptikum (freshener), smoothing the skin, stimulates the release of stomach wind (karminativum), weight loss, mouth sores, sore throat, hoarseness, high blood pressure.

Source : obtrando.blogspot.com

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