Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Morel Berry (Physalis peruviana)

Posted by Ayuningtyas |

Morel Berry is a plant that underestimated by most people. The tree is cut down a lot because they are considered weeds that destroy the beauty. These plants and wild life found in rice fields or crops between rice crops.
Based on research, plants originating from Latin America has many benefits are not known by the public. Starting from the roots, stems, and fruit can be used. Morel berry fruit are included in this type of eggplants. The shape is round and wrapped with some kind of crippled the fruit is green when young, and yellow or brown when ripe.
In Japan, Morel Berry has Houzuki name. Morel and the price of one berry fruit there is 43 yen. Morel berries in Indonesia underestimated, was handsomely rewarded in other countries.

Morel has a chemical content such as berries chlorogenik acid, citric acid and Fisalin B, D Fisalin, Fisalin F, and Withangulatin A. . The seeds contain 12-25% protein, 15-40% fatty oil with the major components of palmitic acid and stearic acid. Its roots contain alkaloids. The leaves contain flavonoid glycosides (luteolin). Shoots contain flavonoids and saponins.
Moderate fruit itself contains malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, kriptoxantin, vitamin c, sugar, and elaidic acid. From the chemical content, Morel berry has analgesic properties, facilitating urine, neutralizing the toxins (detox), and relieve cough.

From the chemical content, Morel berry benefits can be taken for treatment, among others:
1. Morel berry fruit can be used as an external treatment to ulcers, boils, and skin inflammation. Simply boiled, then smeared on the wound. Besides Morel berry fruit are also often eaten to treat epilepsy, can not urinate, and jaundice.
2. Also, it can be used also as cough, influenza, and lung disease.
3. The results of the research has been done, both in vitro and in vivo that have activity as antihiperglikemi ciplukan, antibacterial, antiviral, immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive (immunomodulator), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cytotoxic.
4. Can be used as a cure to diabetes mellitus.
Baedowi Research (1998) in rats given 28.5 mL / kg showed that the leaves have a berry Morel antihiperglikemia activity that may affect the β cells of pancreatic insulin.
5. Ciplukan plant roots are generally used as worms and fever-lowering drugs.

Sources: # ixzz1QRz53yHJ -

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