Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Sugar-apple (Annona squamosa)

Posted by Ayuningtyas |

The fruit is no stranger to this community. Many are found in traditional markets to supermarkets. Plants derived from the West Indies this will bear fruit after 3-5 years old. Srikaya often planted in the yard, cultivated or growing wild, and can be found up to a height of 800 m.
Sugar-apple has a chemical content which is useful for the body. Chemical content, among others:
1. The roots and bark contain flavonoids, borneol, kamphor, terpenes, and alkaloids anonain. Not only that, its roots also contain saponins, tannins, and polyphenols.
2. The seeds contain oils, resins, and toxic substances that are irritants.
3. The fruit contains amino acids, fruit sugar, and mucilago. Young fruits contain tannins.
The nature and efficacy of Sugar Apple
The roots are bitter, cold nature. Efficacious anti-inflammatory, antidepressant. The leaves are bitter, chocolate, its a bit cold. Efficacious astringent, anti-inflammatory, laxative intestinal worms (antheimintik), as well as speed up cooking boils and abscesses.
Nutritious seeds stimulate digestive enzymes, abortivum, anthelmintic, and insect killers (insecticides). Bark efficacious astringent and tonic. Young fruit and seeds are also efficacious antiparasitic.
Sugar-apple fruit properties
Sugar-apple leaves can be used to address:
- Cough, fever,
- Rheumatic,
- Lowers blood uric acid levels are high,
- Diane, dysentery,
- Rectal prolapse in children,
- Intestinal worms, head lice,
- External use for ulcers, sores, boils, scabies, scabies, and eczema.
Moderate seeds can be used to address:
- Digestion is weak,
- Worms, and
- Kill head lice and insects.
The young fruit is used to overcome:
- Diarrhea, acute disentni, and
- Indigestion (dyspepsia Atonik).
Its roots are used to address:
- Constipation,
- Acute dysentery,
- Mental depression, and
- Spinal pain.
The bark can be used to address:
- Diarrhea, dysentery, and
- Bleeding wounds.
And here are some other benefits of the Sugar-apple:
1. Against Free Radicals
Sugar-apple contains vitamin C that helps fight free radicals in the body.
2. Help fight muscle weakness
srikaya containing high potassium, so it can help the body cope with aches and fatigue.
3. Balancing the water in the body
Sugar-apple fruit content of magnesium in water can help balance the body. In addition magnesium may also be useful to remove acid and decrease symptoms of arthritic joints and arthritis. The most important thing is to keep us from heart disease.
4. Maintaining the health of skin and hair
Sugar-apple contains vitamin A which is beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes and hair. It also can improve the function of the eye.
5. If you get bored eating the fruit srikaya by eating fruit, you can be creative by making this fruit into jam, juice, etc. to your liking. It will not eliminate the levels of vitamins in it.
6. Not only that, Sugar-apple is also efficacious to cure constipation and help normalize digestive function, blood pressure control, and treat diarrhea and dysentery. Also beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

Source: http://manshurin.com/srikaya-si-mungil-yang-kaya-manfaat.html

Cherry (Muntinga Calabura)

Posted by Ayuningtyas |

These plants are already quite familiar in the ears of people, but some are not yet known. These plants are usually grown in the village or township. and are rarely found in urban areas.
small round fruit is ripe the fruit is red and if the young green fruit. It was sweet, the interior contains small seeds such as sand. That's what makes this much-loved fruit.
The name of this fruit in other countries is Capulin blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, niguito (Spanish); Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, cherry Singapore (English) and a name that is not appropriate, Japanse Kers (Netherlands).

Cherry fruit in Sri Lanka are often preserved and made jam. The fruit is very popular in Mexico and is commonly sold in traditional markets.
Cherry fruit juices are very beneficial and its contents are much better when compared with isotonic drinks that many in the market.
Cherry fruit every 100 grams contains: Water (77.8 grams), protein (0.384 grams), fat (1.56 gram), carbohydrate (17.9 grams), fiber (4.6 grams), ash (1.14 grams), calcium (124.6 mg), phosphorus (84mg),
Iron (1.18 mg), carotene (0.019 g), tianin (0.065 g), ribofalin (0.037 g), niacin (0.554 g) and vitamin C (80.5 mg). The resulting energy value is 380KJ/100 grams.
Not only the fruit, cherry leaves also have long been used as traditional medicine which is used as a headache remedy and anti-inflammation by the people of Peru.

Based on research already done, cherry plants have properties as follows:

1. Uric acid Healer
In Indonesia cherry fruit traditionally used to treat gout cherry bauh premises consuming sebayak 9 items 3 times a day it is proven to reduce pain
posed of uric acid diseases.

The content of cherry leaf decoction berkasiat to kill harmful microbe and can be used as an anti-septic.
Based on research conducted by neighboring Malaysia, cherry leaf decoction can be used to kill bacteria C. Diptheriea, S. Aureus, P vulgaris, S and K Epidemidis Rizhophil on experiments conducted in vitro.

3. Antitumor
The content of flavonoids found in cherry leaves are also believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells (mouse hapatoma) by laboratories that performed the scientists from Peru.

4. Antiflamasi
Cherry decoction of the leaves also have anti-inflammatory kasiat (antiflamasi) and also lower the heat, this study used mice as experimental.

Source : http://asrulirfantosblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/manfaat-buah-gersenkersen.html